Wednesday 17 February 2016

Visit to Taj Mahal

                                                        Taj Mahal is symbol of Love.

As you know Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of world. Taj Mahal tour is one of the most popular in India.Agra is home to the finest examples of Mughals architecture in India.Mughals were one of the most dynamic dynasties in the medieval world.All the tourists find its simply stunning.All the tourists are simply stunning.

As you can see from my blog posts that I have already visited many parts of the country and here is a one I will like to share you in the best way.

I have heard so many things about the Taj Mahal , that's why now we couldn't wait to see it for ourselves.We in here is my family.I went to the Taj Mahal with my family.I went 3 places in the Agra i.e., Agra Fort, Taj Mahal and Guru ka Tal.

The journey from Delhi to Agra was soo good.We hired a cab from Delhi to Agra which costs us around 2000 Rs.We have reached Agra in 2 hrs. Delhi to Agra is 165 kms, but 6 lane road  reduces our time of journey.

But when we entered Agra we were in shocked.Coming from the most best and busiest highway and when we entered in Agra the first things we was a garbage dump openly.The roads were also narrow and a very high traffic.

We drive though the slum areas of Agra.These slums represented a different Agra altogether, with urban poverty at it worst.The condition of living in these areas seemed inhumane and there were a lack of disposal facilities, sanitation and waste management. I saw a board written "Toilet" @ 5 Rs.Though they don't have their own individual toilets ,they are forced to go there and pay for it.Mothers of the slums make their children to sit on the railway tracks and use that as a toilet.Because of lack of maintenance and cleaning  it make them unfit for use again.

One side you will see the Taj Mahal but when you turn around you will see the real India.

Around 50000 tourists visiting the monument every day, and pay the entry fee of Rs. 500 per person.And for Indians the costs is only Rs.10.The cost is taken by the government for improving slums and for developing infrastructure.

It's a very long distance between the ticket counter to the main building.And inside there also you can hire a car or a public transport to reach directly on the destination.Nobody is allowed to wear shoes and if shoes were there you have to cover it with some plastic bags.Many small children have made that plastic bags as their business.If you are a tourists never forgot to do burgane because that couple of plastic bag hardly costs 10 Rs. but they also want to earn they will tell you directly 200 Rs. and if you have given that much of money, you lose.And then we entered in.

Pollution has become alarmingly and it has affected the colour of the Taj, giving it yellowish tinge.We were surrounded by the lush green gardens and magnificent Mughal architecture.Even air seemed majestic.There are 4 gates east,west, north and south.Don't forgot about from which gate you entered and outside which gate your cab is.
It was simply breath-taking and the structure looked divine with its marble gleaming against theclear sky.Slowly , as if waking up from a slumber, we began the touristy ritual of taking photographs from all angles.

Some distance ahead people are lined up to get their photo taken on the famous Princess Diana Bench.Even though it was impossible to take picture without any person in the background. we persisted but to no avail.

The people have came up from many different countries like Japan ,Germany and people are their of so many languages including 60 % of Punjabi.

Altough Taj is considered as pribe of India and a masterpiece of Mughal architecture.The only thing remains it to take a good care by the people living near it. Rudyard Kipling described the Taj Mahal as "an embodiment of all things pure" and it would have been difficult to digest the impurity on the other side had we not seen it with our own eyes.

Overall, Agra is an amazing place to visit-with many mosque, temples, churches and gurudwaras and these are open to all at any time.

India also has many the uncanny ability of making one feel at home.

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