Tuesday 12 January 2016

Darshan Museum, Pune

The Darshan Museum is a museum in Pune. This is one of the most attracting place in Pune because this museum creats an educative, entertaing and moving experience for the soul, through a series of immersive spatial experiences rich in audio ,video and multimedia.

The museum has been made by using avast palette of museum based on technologies ,like real life mannequins, graphic panels, audio visual material , films etc.

It is a biographical museum that offers an insight into the life and therefore the teachings of Sadhu Vaswani.

The museum is built on the first floor of Sadhu Vaswani Mission Building and on a space of about 10000 sq feet.

This museum is inaugurated by the famous and the best Bollywood actor Aamir Khan on 1 Aug 2011.

The museum is faciliated by ushers who guide visitors through the 8 zones in the museum,each zone has various experience from the life and teachings of the Great Master, in the narrative.
You can choose 2 different language ,viz Hindi or English.

: 10, Sadhu Vaswani Path, Near GPO, Pune 411001,India.
Contact No: +91-20-40064447

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